Wonder; Wonderful wun'-der, wun'-derful: The verb "wonder" occurs only a few times in the Old Testament; "wonder" as noun is much more frequent, and is chiefly the translation of the word mopheth, a splendid or conspicuous work, a "miracle" (Exodus 4:21, Exodus 11:9, etc.), often conjoined with 'othoth, "signs" (Exodus 7:3, Deuteronomy 6:22, Deuteronomy 13:1, Deuteronomy 13:2, Deuteronomy 34:11, Nehemiah 9:10, etc.). Other frequent words are pala', pele', a "marvel," "miracle" (Exodus 3:20, Exodus 15:11, Joshua 3:5, Isaiah 9:6, margin "wonderful counselor," etc.). In the New Testament the ordinary verb is thaumazo, and the most frequent noun is teras, a "marvel," "portent," answering in its meaning to Hebrew pala'. As in the Old Testament the "wonder" is chiefly a miraculous work, so in the Gospels the feeling of wonder is chiefly drawn out by the marvelous displays of Christ's power and wisdom (Matthew 15:31, Mark 6:51, Luke 4:22, etc.).
Wonderful, that which excites or calls forth wonder, is in the Old Testament chiefly the translation of pala' or pele' (2 Samuel 1:26, Psalms 40:3, Isaiah 28:29, etc.); in the New Testament of thaumasios (once, Matthew 21:15).
For "wondered" in Luke 8:25, Luke 11:14, the Revised Version (British and American) has "marvelled" (compare 9:43); in the Old Testament also "marvellous" frequently for "wondrous" etc. (1 Chronicles 16:9, Job 9:10, Psalms 96:3, Psalms 105:2).
W. L. Walker