Zebadiah zeb-a-di'-a
(1) zebhadhyaha,
(2) zebhadhyah, "Yah has bestowed";
the form (1) is the Hebrew name in (1), (a), (b), (2), below; the form (2) in the rest. Some manuscripts have Zechariah in (1), (a), (b), (3)).
(1) Levites:
(a) a Korahite doorkeeper of David's reign (1 Chronicles 26:2);
(b) one of the Levites sent by King Jehoshaphat to teach the Torah in Judah (2 Chronicles 17:8).
(2) Son of Ishmael (2 Chronicles 19:11); "ruler of the house of Judah in all the king's (Jehoshaphat's) matters," i.e. judge in civil cases, the "controversies" of 2 Chronicles 19:8.
(3) Benjamites, perhaps descended from Ehud (see Curtis, Chron., 158 ff):
(a) In 1 Chronicles 8:15;
(b) in 1 Chronicles 8:17, where the name may be a dittography from 1 Chronicles 8:15.
(4) A Benjamite recruit of David at Ziklag (1 Chronicles 12:7 (Hebrew verse 8)).
(5) One of David's army officers, son and successor of Asahel (1 Chronicles 27:7).
(6) One of those who returned from Babylon to Jerusalem with Ezra (Ezra 8:8) = "Zaraias" of Ezra 8:34.
(7) One of those who had married foreign wives (Ezra 10:20) = "Zabdeus" of Ezra 9:21.
David Francis Roberts