Basin or Bason. (1.) A trough or laver (Heb. aggan') for washing (Exodus 24:6); rendered also "goblet" (Song of Solomon 7:2) and "cups" (Isaiah 22:24).

(2.) A covered dish or urn (Heb. k'for) among the vessels of the temple (1 Chronicles 28:17; Ezra 1:10; Ezra 1:8).

(3.) A vase (Heb. mizrak) from which to sprinkle anything. A metallic vessel; sometimes rendered "bowl" (Amos 6:6; Zechariah 9:15). The vessels of the tabernacle were of brass (Exodus 27:3), while those of the temple were of gold (2 Chronicles 4:8).

(4.) A utensil (Heb. saph) for holding the blood of the victims (Exodus 12:22); also a basin for domestic purposes (2 Samuel 17:28).

The various vessels spoken of by the names "basin, bowl, charger, cup, and dish," cannot now be accurately distinguished.

The basin in which our Lord washed the disciples' feet (John 13:5) must have been larger and deeper than the hand-basin.

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