Sea the ,(Heb. yam), signifies (1) "the gathering together of the waters," the ocean (Genesis 1:10); (2) a river, as the Nile (Isaiah 19:5), the Euphrates (Isaiah 21:1; Jeremiah 51:36); (3) the Red Sea (Exodus 14:16, Exodus 1:14; Exodus 1:15, etc.); (4) the Mediterranean (Exodus 23:31; Numbers 34:6, Numbers 1:34; Joshua 15:47; Psalms 80:11, etc.); (5) the "sea of Galilee," an inland fresh-water lake, and (6) the Dead Sea or "salt sea" (Genesis 14:3; Numbers 34:3, Numbers 1:34, etc.). The word "sea" is used symbolically in Isaiah 60:5, where it probably means the nations around the Mediterranean. In Daniel 7:3, Revelation 13:1 it may mean the tumultuous changes among the nations of the earth.