From the base of G1380; glory (as very apparent ), in a wide application (literally or figuratively, objectively or subjectively): - dignity, glory (-ious), honour, praise, worship.
LXX related word(s)
H202 on
H1320 basar
H1347 gaon
H1926 hadar
H1935 hod
H1952 hon
H2073 zevul
H2617 chesed
H2898 tuv
H3027 yad
H3308 yephi
H3366 yeqar
H3513 kaved pi.
H3519 kavod adj.
H4758 mareh enayim
H4853 massa
H5251 nes
H5797 oz
H6286 paar hithpa.
H6643 tsevi
H6944 qodesh
H7757 shul
H8389 toar
H8416 tehillah
H8443 toaphot
H8544 temunah
H8597 tipheret