1. The second son of Adam and Eve. He became a shepherd, and offered to God a sacrifice from his flocks, at the same time that Cain his brother offered the fruits of the earth. God had respect to Abel’s sacrifice, and not to Cain’s; hence Cain in anger killed Abel, Genesis 1:4-26. It was "by faith" that Abel offered a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain; that is, his heart was right towards God, and he worshipped Him in trustful obedience to the divine directions. His offering, made by the shedding of blood, was that of a penitent sinner confiding in the atonement ordained of God; and it was accepted, "God testifying of his gifts," probably by fire from heaven; "by which he obtained witness that he was righteous," that is, justified, Hebrews 11:4. "The blood of Abel" called from the ground for vengeance, Genesis 4:10; but the blood of Christ claims forgiveness and salvation for his people, Hebrews 12:24; 1 John 1:7
2. Abel is also a prefix in the names of several towns. In such cases it signifies a grassy place or meadow.