One of the twelve apostles, was of Bethsaida, and the brother of Peter, John 1:40, John 1:1. Being a disciple of John the Baptists, he understood the imitations of his master as to the Lamb of God, and was the first of the apostles to follow him, John 1:1-40, and come to the knowledge of the Messiah. Compare James 4:8. He was afterwards called as an apostle, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Matthew 4:18; and thenceforth followed Christ to the end, Mark 13:3; John 6:7; John 1:12. Of his later history nothing is known with certainty. It seems probable, however, that after preaching the gospel in Greece, and perhaps Thrace and Scythia, he suffered crucifixion at Patras in Achaia, on a cross of peculiar form, hence commonly known as "St. Andrew’s cross."