Is often synonymous with ancestor, founder, or originator, as Genesis 1:4-21; John 8:56; Romans 4:16. Joseph was a father to Pharoah, Genesis 45:8, as his counselor and provider. God is the FATHER of men, as their Creator, Deuteronomy 32:6; Isaiah 63:16; Isaiah 1:64; Luke 3:38. but as we have forfeited the rights of children by our sins, it is only through Christ that we can call God by that endearing name, "our Father," John 20:17; Romans 1:8-17.
In patriarchal times, a father was master and judge in his own household, and exercised and authority almost unlimited over his family. Filial disobedience or disrespect was a high offence. Under the law, certain acts of children were capital crimes, Exodus 21:15, Exodus 1:21; Leviticus 20:9; and the father was required to bring his son to the public tribunal, Deuteronomy 1:21. See MOTHER.