1. The Gebalene of the Romans, was a district of Idumea, called also at the present day Djebal, signifying mountains. It is the northern part of the range of mountains skirting the eastern side of the great valley El-Arabah, which runs from the Dead Sea to the Elanitic gulf of the Red Sea, Psalms 83:7.

2. A seaport and district of Phoenicia north of Beyroot, called Byblos by the Greeks, now Jebail; population, 2, 000. The inhabitants were called Giblites, and are denoted in the Hebrew word rendered "stone-squarer" in 1 Kings 5:18. Their land and all Lebanon were assigned to the Israelites, but never fully possessed, Joshua 13:5. It was an important place, Ezekiel 27:9, and the seat of the worship of Thammuz.

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