The laws of inheritance among the Hebrews were very simple. Land might be mortgaged, but could not be alienated, Numbers 1:36-9. See JUBILEE. The only permanent right to property was by heritage, or lineal succession. The eldest son had a double portion. Females had no territorial possession; but if a man left no sons, his daughters inherited-on condition of their marrying into a family within the tribe to which their father belonged. If a man had no children, his land passed to distant relatives, according to a law laid down in Numbers 1:27-11. The Law of Moses rendered wills unnecessary; they were introduced, however, at a later period, Galatians 3:15; Hebrews 9:17. Property was sometimes distributed among children during the lifetime of the father: thus, in the parable of the prodigal son, the father divided his property between the two sons, Luke 15:12.