Called also En-Mishpat, Genesis 14:7, the name of a fountain, a city, and the desert around, Psalms 29:3, in the southern border of the promised land. It is said, in Numbers 20:16, to lie in the "uttermost border of Edom," and was probably situated very near the great valley El-Arabah, south of the Dead Sea. Dr. Robinson found a watering place answering well to the indications in Scripture, on the western border of El-Arabah, about twenty-seven miles from the Dead Sea. Kadesh was twice visited by the Israelites in their wanderings; once soon after they left mount Sinai, and again thirty-eight years after. At the first visit the mission and return of the twelve spies took place, the rebellion of the people, and their presumptuous effort to enter Canaan by the pass Zephath, immediately north of Kadesh, Numbers 1:13-14. At their second visit occurred the death of Miriam, the murmuring of the people for water, the miraculous supply, the sin of Aaron and Moses in smiting the rock, and the fruitless request for a passage through Edom, Numbers 1:20-22. The southern border of Judah reached to Kadesh-barnea, Joshua 12:22; Joshua 1:15.