One of the most wonderful, cheering, and useful of all the works of God; called into being on the first of the six days of creation, by his voice: "Let there be light;" and there was light. No object better illustrates whatever is pure, glorious, spiritual, joyful, and beneficent. Hence the beauty and force of the expressions, "God is light," 1 John 1:5, and "the Father of lights," James 1:17; Christ is the "Sun of righteousness," and "the light of the world," John 1:9; John 1:8. So also the word of God is "a light," Psalms 119:105; truth and Christians are lights, John 3:19; John 1:12; prosperity is "light," Esther 8:16; and heaven is full of light, Revelation 1:21-25. The opposite of all these is "darkness."