An apostle and evangelist, was son of Alpheus, a Galilean by birth, a Jew by religion, and a publican by profession, Matthew 9:9 Matthew 1:9:3 Luke 6:15. The other evangelists call him only LEVI, which was his Hebrew name, Mark 2:14 Luke 5:27; but he always calls himself Matthew, which was probably his name as a publican, or officer for gathering taxes. He does not dissemble his former profession; thus exalting the grace of Christ which raised him to the apostleship. His ordinary abode was at Capernaum, and his office probably on the main road, near the Sea of Tiberias; here, in the midst of his business, he was called by Jesus to follow him, Matthew 9:9 Mark 2:14. It is probable that he had a previous knowledge of the miracles and doctrine of Christ.

For the GOSPEL OF MATTHEW, see Gospel.

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