In the Bible, often means no more than "not fully dressed." So in John 21:7, Peter is said to have been "naked," that is, he had laid off his outer garment, and had on only his inner garment or tunic. See Garments. So probably in Isaiah 20:2 Micah 1:8 Acts 19:16. Sometimes poorness and insufficiency of clothing are meant, as in James 2:15. So in Isaiah 58:7 2 Corinthians 11:27. A nation is said to be "naked," when stripped of its defenses, wealth, etc., Genesis 42:9 Exodus 32:25 2 Chronicles 28:19.
"Nakedness" is also put for shame. To "uncover the nakedness" denotes an unlawful or incestuous union, Leviticus 20:19.