1. The chief officer of king Ahab’s household, who preserved the lives of one hundred prophets from the persecuting Jezebel, by concealing them in two caves and furnishing them with food, 1 Kings 18:4.

2. The fourth of the minor prophets, supposed to have prophesied about 587 B. C. It cannot indeed be decided with certainty when he lived, but it is probable that he was contemporary with Jeremiah and Ezekiel, who denounced the same dreadful judgments on the Edomites, as the punishment of their pride, violence, and cruel insulting over the Jews after the destruction of their city. The prophecy, according to usher, was fulfilled about five years after the destruction of Jerusalem.

3. Eight or ten others of this name are mentioned in 1 Chronicles 3:211 Chronicles 1:71 Chronicles 1:81 Chronicles 1:9, 1 Chronicles 1:91 Chronicles 1:121 Chronicles 1:272 Chronicles 17:72 Chronicles 1:34 Ezra 8:9 Nehemiah 10:5.

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