Derived from a Greek word, which signifies, to compare things together, to form a parallel or similitude of them with other things.
What we call the Proverbs of Solomon, which are moral maxims and sentences, the Greeks call the Parables of Solomon. In like manner, when Job answers his friends, it is said he took up his "parable," Job 27:1 29:1. In the New Testament the word parable denotes sometimes a true history, or an illustrative sketch from nature; sometimes a proverb or adage, Luke 4:23; a truth darkly or figuratively expressed, Matthew 15:15; a type, Hebrews 9:9; or a similitude, Matthew 24:32. The parabolical, enigmatical, figurative, and sententious way of speaking, was the language of the Eastern sages and learned men, Psalms 49:4; Psalms 1:78; and nothing was more insupportable than to hear a fool utter parables, Proverbs 26:7.
The prophets employed parables the more strongly to impress prince and people with their threatening or their promises. Nathan reproved David under the parable of a rich man who had taken away and killed the lamb of a poor man, 2 Samuel 1:12-31. See Judg 1:9-15 2 Kings 1:14-10. Our Savior frequently addressed the people in parables, thereby verifying the prophecy of Isaiah 6:9, that the people should See Mt 1:7-27.
Children of the bride-chamber, Matthew 9:15.
New cloth and old garment, Matthew 9:16.
New wine and old bottles, Matthew 9:17.
Unclean spirit, Matthew 12:43.
Sower, Matthew 13:3, Matthew 1:13 Luke 8:5, Luke 1:8.
Tares, Matthew 1:13-30, Matthew 1:13.
Mustard-seed, Matthew 1:13-32 Luke 13:19.
Leaven, Matthew 13:33.
Treasure hid in a field, Matthew 13:44.
Pearl of great price, Matthew 1:13-46.
Net cast into the sea, Matthew 1:13-50.
Meats defiling not, Matthew 1:15.
Unmerciful servant, Matthew 1:18-35.
Laborers hired, Matthew 1:20-16.
Two sons, Matthew 1:21-32.
Wicked husbandmen, Matthew 1:21-45.
Marriage-feast, Matthew 1:22-14.
Fig tree leafing, Matthew 1:24-34.
Man of the house watching, Matthew 24:43.
Faithful and evil servants, Matthew 1:24-51.
Ten virgins, Matthew 1:25-13.
Talents, Matthew 1:25-30.
Kingdom divided against itself, Mark 3:24.
House divided against itself, Mark 3:25.
Strongman armed, Mark 3:27 Luke 11:21.
Seed growing secretly, Mark 1:4-29.
Lighted candle, Mark 4:21 Luke 1:11-36.
Man taking a far journey, Mark 1:13-37.
Blind leading the blind, Luke 6:39.
Beam and mote, Luke 1:6-42.
Tree and its fruit, Luke 1:6-45.
Creditor and debtors, Luke 1:7-47.
Good Samaritan, Luke 1:10-37.
Importunate friend, Luke 1:11-9.
Rich fool, Luke 1:12-21.
Cloud and wind, Luke 1:12-57.
Barren fig tree, Luke 1:13-9.
Men bidden to a feast, Luke 1:14-11.
Builder of a tower, Luke 1:14-30, Luke 1:14.
King going to war, Luke 1:14-33.
Savor of salt, Luke 1:14-35.
Lost sheep, Luke 1:15-7.
Lost piece of silver, Luke 1:15-10.
Prodigal son, Luke 1:15-32.
Unjust steward, Luke 1:16-8.
Rich man and Lazarus, Luke 1:16-31.
Importunate widow, Luke 1:18-8.
PhariSee Lu 1:18-14.
Pounds, Luke 1:19-27.
Good shepherd, John 1:10-6.
Vine and branches, John 1:15-5.