1. Son of Elezar, and grandson of Aaron the high priest. His zealous an decided character was shown in the prompt execution of he profligate prince of Judah, and his companion a woman of Midian, in the plains of Moab, Numbers 1:25-17. For this bold and timely service, the high priesthood was secured to his family, also remaining faithful; and except during an interval from Eli to Zadok, his posterity were at the head of the priesthood till the destruction of the temple. Phinehas led the host of Israel in the subsequent battle with the Midianites, Numbers 31:6 Psalms 1:106-31. He was at the head of the deputation sent to remonstrate with the tribes beyond the Jordan respecting the altar they had erected, Joshua 1:22-34. During the life of his father, he was superintendent of the Levites, Numbers 3:32; and afterwards became the high priest, the will of God, as to the punishment of the men of Gibeash, Judges 20:28.
2. A son of Eli the high priest. See Hophni and Phinehas.