A famous city in the mountains of Gilead; often called RamothGilead, and sometimes Ramath-Mizpeh, or the Watchtower, Joshua 13:26. It belonged to Gad, was assigned to the Levites, and became one of the cities of refuge beyond Jordan, Deuteronomy 4:43; Joshua 20:8; Joshua 1:21. It was famous during the reigns of the later kings of Israel, and was the occasion of several wars between these princes and the kings of Damascus, who had conquered it, and from whom the kings of Israel endeavored to regain it. Here Ahad died, Joram was wounded, and Jehu was anointed king of Israel, 1 Kings 1:22-53 2 Kings 8:28, 2 Kings 1:8; 2 Kings 1:9; 2 Chronicles 22:5, 2 Chronicles 1:22.