The son and successor of Solomon, by Naamah, an Ammonitess, 1 Kings 1:12-33 14:1 Kings 1:12 2 Chronicles 1:10-12. He was forty-one years old when he began to reign, and was therefore born at the beginning of his father’s reign.

He ascended the throne about 975 B.C., and reigned seventeen years at Jerusalem. Under his reign the ten tribes revolted, and formed the kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam. The immediate cause of this schism was Rehoboam’s headstrong folly in rejecting experienced counselors, and claiming tyrannical power. He at once sought to recover the revolted tribes by force; and though directed by God not to make war, he did not long delay hostilities, and these continued during his whole reign. The people also fell into idolatry, and were punished in the fifth year of Rehoboam by an Egyptian army, which subjected them to a heavy tribute. See Shishak.

Scripture leads us to trace the sins and misfortunes of Rehoboam in part to the influence of his heathen mother, 2 Chronicles 12:13. The latter portion of his reign seems to have passed more quietly.

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