One of the cities of the plain, and for some time the dwellingplace of Lot, Genesis 1:13Genesis 1:14. Its crimes and vices were so enormous, that God destroyed it by fire from heaven, with three neighboring cities, Gomorrah, Zeboim, and Admah, which were as wicked as itself, Genesis 1:19-20. The plain of Siddim in which they stood was pleasant and fruitful, like an earthy paradise; but it was first burned, and afterwards mostly overflowed by the waters of the Dead Sea or Lake of Sodom. See JORDAN, and SEA 3.

The prophets, in denouncing woes upon other countries, mention the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and intimate that these places shall be desert and dried up and uninhabited, Jeremiah 49:18 50:40; that they shall be covered with briers and brambles, a land of salt and sulphur, where can be neither planting nor sowing, Deuteronomy 29:23 Amos 4:11. Throughout Scripture the ruin of Sodom and Gomorrah is represented as a most signal effect of God’s anger, and as a mirror in which those living at ease in sin and lust may See Rev 11:8, to the great and corrupt city of antichrist. "Sodomites" were men addicted to the beastly lusts alluded in Genesis 1:19-38 1 Kings 14:24 Romans 1:26, Romans 1:1.

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