Or Turtle, the Columba Turtur; a distinct bird from the common dove or pigeon, smaller and differently marked, and having a soft and plaintive note, Isaiah 59:11 Ezekiel 7:16. It is a bird of passage, Jeremiah 8:7, leaving Palestine for a short trip to the south, and returning early in spring, Song of Solomon 2:12. It is timid and fond of seclusion, and pines in captivity, Psalms 11:1. The law allowed it as a burnt or sin-offering by the poor, Leviticus 1:14; Leviticus 1:5 Matthew 21:22, and in several cases of purification, etc., Leviticus 1:12-8; Leviticus 1:14 Numbers 6:10 Luke 2:24. Before the giving of the law, Abraham offered birds, which he divided the other victims he left the birds entire, Genesis 15:9.