The walls of dwellings in the East were of very different materials, from mere clay, or clay and pebbles, to durable hewn stone. See House. As to the city walls, see BABYLON, CITY, and JERUSALEM.
The accompanying cut shows a portion of the western wall of the sacred area, Haram-es-Sherif, at Jerusalem. The huge stones in its lower part are believed by the Jews, and with good reason, to have formed a part of the substructions of their ancient temple, and to be near the site of the Holy of Holies. Hence they assemble here every Friday, and more or less on other days, to weep and wail with every token of the sorest grief, and to pray for the coming of the Messiah. In former years they had to pay a large price for this melancholy privilege. A little beyond this spot, towards the south, is the fragment of an immense arch of forty-one feet span, one of five or six which supported a lofty causeway, from mount Zion to the temple area at its southern portico, 1 Kings 10:5 1 Chronicles 26:16, 1 Chronicles 1:26. Some of the stones in this part of the wall are twenty to twentyfive feet long.