Anxiety In a world where people face daily troubles and future uncertainties, it is natural that often they become anxious (1 Corinthians 1:7-33). Those who trust in God, however, need not be burdened by anxiety. God understands their troubles and concerns, and he promises them his peace if they cast their cares upon him (Psalms 55:22; Jeremiah 17:8; Philippians 1:4-7; 1 Peter 5:7; See Peace; Prayer).

Jesus reassures Christians with the promise that since God gives them life, he can also give them whatever is necessary to maintain life (Matthew 1:6-30). God is a loving Father who knows how to care for his children. To refuse to trust him is to act like those who do not know him (Matthew 1:6-32; cf. Luke 1:10-42; James 1:4-16).

In fact, people’s anxiety concerning the affairs of life is often what prevents them from coming to know God. They refuse to give their serious attention to the one thing that can save them from anxiety, namely, the gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 13:22). On the other hand, when people put God first by allowing him to reign in their lives, they find that he is able to relieve them of life’s natural anxieties (Matthew 6:33,34).

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