Gaius There are several people named Gaius in the New Testament, all except one of them connected with Paul. Paul baptized a man named Gaius in Corinth (1 Corinthians 1:14), and this was probably the person Paul stayed with on a later visit to Corinth (Romans 16:23). Another person named Gaius was from Macedonia (Acts 19:29) and another from Derbe (Acts 20:4). According to a variation in some texts of Acts 20:4, this latter Gaius may have been from Thessalonica, in which case he was possibly the same person referred to in Acts 19:29.
Later in the first century, the apostle John wrote a letter to a friend named Gaius. He was a person noted for his strong faith, exemplary life, generous hospitality and sincere love (3 John 1-6).