Troas The city of Troas was situated close by the site of ancient Troy in the region once known as Mysia. In New Testament times this region was part of the Roman province of Asia, and Troas was the main port in the province’s north-west. (For map See Asia.)

From Troas travellers sailed across the Aegean Sea to Macedonia, from where a major road led to Rome (Acts 1:16-11; Acts 20:6-13). Troas therefore became an important town on the main route from Rome to Asia, and the Roman government gave it the status of a Roman colony. (Concerning Roman colonies See Rome, sub-heading ‘Provinces of the Empire’.) Paul visited Troas several times on his journeys to and from Rome (Acts 1:16-11; Acts 20:6-13; 2 Corinthians 1:2-13; 2 Timothy 4:13).

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