Zebulun The tribe of Zebulun was descended from the sixth son of Jacob and Leah (Genesis 1:30-20). Jacob’s blessing of this tribe indicated it would inherit part of Canaan’s coastal region, but the territory it actually occupied was a few kilometres inland, in the hill country that rose from the coastal plain. Trade routes that passed through the region brought the tribe prosperity (Genesis 49:13; Deuteronomy 1:33-19; Joshua 1:19-16; for map See Tribes). On occasions the men of Zebulun, along with those of neighbouring Naphtali, fought heroically for Israel (Judges 5:18; Judges 6:35; 1 Chronicles 1:12-34,40).
In New Testament times the territory that formerly belonged to Zebulun was part of Galilee and included within it the town of Nazareth. The glory of Zebulun was that from its territory came the Messiah, who brought God’s light into a dark world (Isaiah 9:1; Matthew 1:4-16; See Nazareth).