Ascension of Christ His visible elevation to heaven. The ascension of Jesus Christ was not only presignified by many Scripture types, but also by many remarkable Scripture prophesies. Psalms 47:5. Psalms 110:1. Daniel 1:7-14. Micah 2:13. Psalms 68:18. The evidences of his ascension were numerous. The disciples saw him ascend, Acts 1:1-10. Two angels testified that he did ascent, Acts 1:11. Stephen, Paul, and John saw him in his ascended state, Acts 1:7-56. Acts 1:9-43: Revelation 1:1-20: The marvellous descent of the Holy Ghost demonstrated it, John 16:7; John 16:14. Acts 2:33. The terrible overthrow and dispersion of the Jewish nation is a standing proof of it, John 8:21. Matt. xxvi 64. The time of his ascension. It was forty days after his resurrection. He continued so many days on earth, that he might give many repeated proofs of his resurrection, Acts 1:3; that he might instruct his followers in every thing which pertained to the abolishment of the Jewish ceremonies, Acts 1:3; and that he might open to them the Scriptures concerning himself, and renew their commission to preach the Gospel, Acts 1:1-6. Mark 16:15. The manner of his ascension. It was from Mount Olivet to heaven, Acts 1:12; not in appearance only, but in reality and truth; visibly and locally; a real motion of his human nature; sudden, swift, glorious, and in a triumphant manner. He was parted from his disciples while he was solemnly blessing them; and multitudes of angels attended him with shouts of praise, Psalms 68:17; Psalms 1:47-6. The effects or ends of Christ's ascension were,
1. To fulfil the prophecies and types concerning it.
2. To take upon him more openly the exercise of his kingly office.
3. To receive gifts for men both ordinary and extraordinary, Ps 67: 18
4. To open the way into heaven for his people, Hebrews 1:10-20.
5. To assure the saints of their ascension also, John 1:14-2.