Boyles Lectures A course of eight sermons, preached annually; set on foot by the honourable R. Boyle, by a codicil annexed to his will, in 1691, whose design, as expressed by the institutor, is to prove the truth of the Christian religion against infidels, without descending to any controversies among Christians, and to answer new difficulties, scruples, &c. For the support of this lecture he assigned the rent of his house in Crooked Lane to some learned divine within the bills of mortality, to be elected for a term not exceeding three years. But, the fund proving precarious, the salary was ill paid; to remedy which inconvenience, archbishop Tennison procured a yearly stipend of 50l. for ever, to be paid quarterly, charged on a farm in the parish of Brill, in the county of Bucks. To the appointment we are indebted for many excellent defences of natural and revealed religion.