Consubstantial A term of like import with co-essential, denoting something of the same substance with another. Thus we say that Christ is consubstantial with the Father. The term consubstantial was first adopted by the fathers of the councils of Antioch and Nice, to express the orthodox doctrine the more precisely, and to serve as a barrier and precaution against the errors and subleties of the Arians, who owned every thing except the consubstantiality. The Arians allowed that the word was God, as having been made God; but they denied that he was the same God, and of the same substance with the Father: accordingly they exerted themselves to the utmost to abolish the use of the word. The emperor Constantine used all his authority with the bishops to have it expunged out of the symbols; but it was retained and is at this day, as it was then, the distinguishing criterion between an Athanasian and an Arian.
See articles ARIANS, and JESUS CHRIST.