Contrite This word signifies beaten or bruised, as with hard blows, or an heaver burden; and so in Scripture language imports one whose heart is broken and wounded for sin, on opposition to the heart of stone, Is. 66: 2. Psalms 51:17. Psa 57: 15. The evidences of a broken and contrite spirit are,
1. Deep conviction of the evil of sin.
2. Humiliation under a sense of it, Job 42:5; Job 1:6-30:
3. Pungent sorrow for it, Zechariah 12:10.
4. Ingenuous confession of it, 1 John 1:9.
5. Prayer for deliverance from it, Psalms 51:10. Luke 18:13.
6. Susceptibility of good impressions, Ezekiel 11:19.