Creed A form of words in which the articles of faith are comprehended.

See CONFESSION. The most ancient form of creeds is that which goes under the name of the Apostles' Creed (See below;) besides this, there are several other ancient forms and scattered remains of creeds to be met with in the primitive records of the church; as,

1. The form of apostolical doctrine collected by Origen.

2. A fragment of a creed preserved by Tertullian.

3. A remnant of a creed in the works of Cyprian.

4. A creed composed by Gregory Thaumaturgus for the use of his own church.

5. The creed of Lucian, the martyr.

6. The creed of the apostolical constitutions. Besides these scattered remains of the ancient creeds, there are extant some perfect forms, as those of Jerusalem, Cesarea, Antioch, &c.

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