Crispites Those who adopt the sentiments of Dr. Crisp, a divine of the seventeenth century. He was fond, it is said, of expressions which alarm, and paradoxes which astonish; and perplexed himself much about the divine purposes. He did not distinguish as he ought, between God's secret will in his decrees, and his revealed will in his covenant and promises. The root of his error seems to be this:
he viewed the union between Christ and the believer to be of such a kind as actually to make a Saviour of the sinner, and a sinner of the Saviour. He speaks as if God considered the sinner as doing and suffering what Christ did and suffered; and Christ as having committed their sins, and as being actually guilty of them.
See book under articles ANTINOMIANS and NEONOMIANS. Crisp's Sermons, edited by Dr. Gill; Bogue and Bennet's History of Dissenters, vol. 1: p. 400.