Desertion A term made use of to denote an unhappy state of mind, occasioned by the sensible influences of the divine favour being withdrawn. Some of the best men in all ages have suffered a temporary suspension of divine enjoyments, Job 29:2. Psalms 1:51-19: Is. 49: 14. Lamentations 3:1. Is. 1: 10. The causes of this must not be attributed to the Almighty, since he is always the same, but must arise from ourselves. Neglect of duty, improper views of Providence, self-confidence, a worldly spirit, lukewarmness of mind, inattention to the means of grace, or open transgression, may be considered as leading to this state. As all things, however, are under the divine control, so even desertion, or, as it is sometimes expressed in Scripture, "the hidings of God's face, " may be useful to excite humility, exercise faith and patience, detach us from the world, prompt to more vigorous action, bring us to look more to God as the fountain of happiness, conform us to his word, and increase our desires for that state of blessedness which is to come. Hervey's ther. and Asp. dial. 19:; Watts's Medit. on Job 23:3.;Lambert's Ser. vol. 1: ser. 16.; Flavel's Works, vol. 1: p. 167. folio.