Diet An assembly of the states of Germany. We shall only take notice, in this place of the more remarkable of those which have been held on the affairs of religion.
1. The diet of Augsburgh, in the year 1530, was assembled to re-unite the princes of the empire, in relation to some religious matters. The emperor himself presided in this assembly with the greatest magnificence imaginable. The elector of Saxony, followed by several princes, presented the confession of faith, called the confession of Augsburgh. The emperor ended the diet with a decree, that no alteration should be made in the doctrines and ceremonies of the Romish church till the council should order it otherwise.
2. The diet of Augsburgh, in 1547, was held on account of the electors being divided concerning the decisions of the council of Trent. The emperor demanded that the management of that affair should be referred to him; and it was resolved, that every one should conform to the decisions of the council.
3. The diet of Augsburgh, in 1548, was assembled to examine some memorials relating to the confession of faith; but, the commissioners not agreeing together, the emperor named three divines, who drew the design of this famous interim, so well known in Germany and elsewhere.
4. The diet of Augsburgh, in 1550. In this assembly, the emperor complained that the interim was not observed, and demanded that all should submit to the council, which they were going to renew at Trent; which submission was resolved upon by a plurality of votes.
5. The diet of Nuremberg, in 1523. Here pope Adrian VIth's nuncio demanded the execution of Leo Xth's bull, and Charles Vth's edict against Luther. but the assembly drew up a list of grievances, which were reduced to an hundred articles, some whereof aimed at the destruction of the pope's authority, and the discipline of the Romish church; however, they consented that the Lutherans should be commanded not to write against the Roman Catholics.
6. The diet of Nuremberg, in 1524. In this assembly, the Lutherans having the advantage, it was decreed that the pope should call a council in Germany; but that, in the mean time, an assembly should be held at Spire, to determine what was to be believed and practised; but Charles V. prohibited the holding this assembly.
7. The diet of Ratisbon, in 1541, was held for re-uniting the Protestants with the Roman Catholics. The emperor named three Roman Catholics and three Protestant divines, to agree upon articles. The Roman Catholics were, Julius Phlug, John Gropper, and John Eckius; the Protestants were, Philip Melancthon, Martin Bucer, and John Pistorius; but, after a whole month's consultation, they could agree upon no more than five or six articles; which the emperor consented the Protestants should retain, forbidding them to solicit any body to change the ancient religion.
8. The diet of Ratisbon, in 1546, decreed that the council of Trent was to be followed, which was opposed by the Protestant deputies; and this caused a war against them.
9. The diet of Ratisbon, in 1557, demanded a conference between some famous doctors of both parties; which conference was held at Worms, in September, between twelve Roman Catholic and twelve Lutherans being divided among themselves.
10. The diet of Spire, in 1526. In this assembly (wherein presided the archduke Ferdinand) the duke of Saxony, and the landgrave of Hesse, demanded the free exercise of the Lutheran religion: upon which it was decreed, that the emperor should be desired to call a general, or national, council in Germany within a year, and that, in the mean time, every one should have liberty of conscience.
11. The diet of Spire, in 1529, decreed, that in the countries which had embraced the new religion, it should be lawful to continue in it till the next council; but that no Roman Catholic should be allowed to turn Lutheran. Against this decree six Lutheran princes, viz. the elector of Saxony, the marquis of Brandenburg, the two dukes of Lunenburg, the landgrave of Hesse, and the prince of Anhait, with the deputies of fourteen imperial towns, protested in writing; from which solemn protestation came the famous name of Protestants, which the Lutherans presently after took.
12. The diet of Worms, in 1521. In this assembly, Luther, being charged by the pope's nuncio with heresy, and refusing to recant, the emperor, by his edict of May 26, before all the princes of Germany, publicly outlawed him.