Evidence Is that perception of truth which arises either from the testimony of the senses, or from an induction of reason. The evidences of revelation are divided into internal and external. That is called internal evidence which is drawn from the consideration of those declarations and doctrines which are contained in it; and that is called external, which arises from some other circumstances referring to it, such as predictions concerning it, miracles wrought by those who teach it, its success in the world, &c.
See Evidences of Christ, art. CHRISTIANITY. Moral evidence is that which, though it does not exclude a mere abstract possibility of things being otherwise, yet shuts out every reasonable ground of suspecting that they are so. Evidences of Grace are those dispositions and acts which prove a person to be in a converted state; such as an enlightened understanding; love to God and his people; a delight in God's word; worship and dependence on him; spirituality of mind; devotedness of life to the service of God, &c.
Seed's Post. Ser. ser. 2. Ditton on the Resurrection; Bellamy on Religion, P. 184. Gambear's Introduction to the Study of Moral Evidence, 163.