Gospel The revelation of the grace of God to fallen man through a mediator. It is taken also for the history of the life, actions, death, resurrection, ascension, and doctrine of Jesus Christ. The word is Saxon, and of the same import with the Latin evangelium, which signifies glad tidings or good news. It is called the Gospel of his Grace, because it flows from his free love, Acts 20:24. The Gospel of the kingdom, as it treats of the kingdoms of grace and glory. The Gospel of Christ, because he is the author and subject of it, Romans 1:16. The Gospel of peace and salvation, as it promotes our present comfort and leads to eternal glory, Ephesians 1:13; Ephesians 6:15. The glorious Gospel, as in it the glorious perfections of Jehovah are displayed, 2 Corinthians 4:4. The everlasting Gospel, as it was designed from eternity, is permanent in time, and the effects of it eternal, Revelation 14:6. There are about thirty or forty apocryphal Gospels; as the Gospel of St. Peter, of St. Andrew, of St. Barnabas, the eternal Gospel, &c. &c. &c. : but they were never received by the Christian church, being evidently fabulous and trifling.