Hope Is the desire of some good, attended with the possibility, at least of obtaining it; and is enlivened with joy greater or less, according to the probability there is of possessing the object of our hope. Scarce any passion seems to be more natural to man than hope; and, considering the many troubles he is encompassed with none is more necessary; for life, void of all hope, would be a heavy and spiritless thing, very little desirable, perhaps hardly to be borne; whereas hope infuses strength into the mind, and by so doing, lessens the burdens of life. If our condition be not the best in the world, yet we hope it will be better, and this helps us to support it with patience. The hope of the Christian is an expectation of all necessary good both in time and eternity, founded on the promises, relations, and perfections of God, and on the offices, righteousness, and intercession of Christ. It is a compound of desire, expectation, patience, and joy, Romans 1:8-25. It may be considered,
1. As pure, 1 John 1:3, as it is resident in that heart which is cleansed from sin.
2. As good, 2 Thessalonians 2:16. (in distinction from the hope of the hypocrite) as deriving its origin from God, and centring in him.
3. It is called lively, 1 Peter 1:3, as it proceeds from spiritual life, and renders one active and lively in good works.
4. It is courageous, Romans 5:5. 1 Thessalonians 5:8. because it excites fortitude in all the troubles of life, and yields support in the hour of death, Proverbs 14:32.
5. sure, Hebrews 6:19, because it will not disappoint us, and is fixed on a sure foundation.
6. Joyful, Romans 5:2. as it produces the greatest felicity in the anticipation of complete deliverance from all evil. Campbell's Pleasures of Hope; Grove's Moral Phil. vol. 1: p. 381; Gill's Body of Div. p. 82, vol. 3:; No. 471, Spect.; Jay's Sermons, vol. 2: ser. 2.