Inghamites A denomination of Calvinistic dissenters, who are the followers of B. Ingham, esq. who in the last century was a character of great note in the north of England. About the year 1735, Mr. Ingham was at Queen's college with Mr. Hervey and other friends, but soon afterwards adopted the religious opinions and zeal of Wesley and Whitfield. We do not know the cause of his separation from these eminent men; but it seems in a few years afterwards he became the leader of many numerous societies, distinct from the methodists. They received their members by lot, and required them to declare before the church their experience, that the whole society might judge of the gracious change which had been wrought upon their hearts. It happened in a few years, that some individuals, who were much respected, and who applied for admission, instead of speaking of their own attainments, or the comfortable impressions on their minds, which they only considered as productive of strife and vain glory, declared their only hope was the finished work of Jesus Christ, and as to themselves they were sensible of their own vileness.
Such confessions as this threw the congregation into some confusion, which was considerably increased when they found, that, on their having recourse as usual to the lot, that there were votes against their admission, which was considered as a rejection from the Lord. On this they were led to examine more particularly both their church order and doctrines. After this time, Mr. Ingham became much more orthodox in his sentiments, and new-modelled his churches. The book which he published is in general well thought of by the Independents. He contends very strongly for salvation by the imputation of Christ's righteousness; and as to doctrine, the chief point wherein the Inghamites differ from the Independents, is respecting the Trinity. The common manner of speaking of the Divine Three as distinct persons, they decisively condemn. They do not consider a plurality of elders as necessary in a church to administer the Lord's Supper. In other respects they much esteem the writings of Mr. R. Sandeman. Their numbers have not been so numerous since they became more strict in their public worship.