Justice Consists in an exact and scrupulous regard to the rights of others, with a deliberate purpose to preserve them on all occasions sacred and inviolate. It is often divided into commutative and distributive justice. The former consists in an equal exchange of benefits; the latter in an equal distribution of rewards and punishments. Dr. Watts gives the following rules respecting justice.
1. It is just that we honour, reverence, and respect those who are superiors in any kind, Ephesians 6:1; Ephesians 6:3. 1 Peter 2:17. 1 Timothy 5:17.
2. That we show particular kindness to near relations, Proverbs 17:17.
3. That we love those who love us, and show gratitude to those who have done us good, Galatians 4:15.
4. That we pay the full due to those whom we bargain or deal with, Romans 1:13-14: Deuteronomy 24:14.
5. That we help our fellow-creatures in cases of great necessity, Ex.xxiii. 4.
6. Reparation to those whom we have wilfully injured." Watts's Serm. ser. 24, 25, vol. 2: Berry Street Lect. ser. 4. Grove's Mor. Phil. p. 332, vol.ii. Wollaston's Relig. of Nature, p. 137, 141; Jay's Ser. vol. 2: p. 131.