Justice of God Is that perfection whereby he is infinitely righteous and just, both in himself and in all his proceedings with his creatures. Mr. Ryland defines it thus: "The ardent inclination of his will to prescribe equal laws as the supreme governor, and to dispense equal rewards and punishments as the supreme judge." Revelation 16:5. Psalms 145:7. Psalms 97:1.
2. It is distinguished into remunerative and punitive justice. Remunerative justice is a distribution of rewards, the rule of which is not the merit of the creature, but his own gracious promise, James 1:12. 2 Timothy 4:8. Punitive or vindictive justice, is the infliction of punishment for any sin committed by men, 2 Thessalonians 1:6. That God will not let sin go unpunished is evident,
1. From the word of God, Exodus 1:34-7. Numb. 14: 18. Nehemiah 1:3.
2. From the nature of God, Isaiah 1:1-14. Psalms 1:5-6. Hebrews 12:29.
3. From sin being punished in Christ, the surety of his people, 1 Peter 3:18.
4. From all the various natural evils which men bear in the present state. The use we should make of this doctrine is this:
1. We should learn the dreadful nature of sin, and the inevitable ruin of impenitent sinners, Psalms 9:17.
2. We should highly appreciate the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom justice is satisfied. 1 Peter 3:18.
3. We should imitate the justice of God, by cherishing an ardent regard to the rights of God, and to the rights of mankind.
4. We should abhor all sin, as it strikes directly at the justice of God.
5. We should derive comfort from the consideration that the Judge of all the earth will do right, as it regards ourselves, the church, and the world at large, Psalms 1:97-2. Ryland's Contem. vol. 2: p. 439; Witsius's Economy, lib. 2: ch. 8. & 11; Dr. Owen on the Justice of God; Gill's Body of Divinity, p. 155, vol. 1: 8vo.; Elisha Cole on the Righteousness of God.