Mortification Any severy penance observed on a religious account. The mortification of sin in believers is a duty enjoined in the sacred Scriptures, Romans 8:13. Colossians 3:5. It consists in breaking the league with sin; declaration of open hostility against it; and strong resistance of it, Ephesians 6:10, &c. Bal. 5: 24, . Romans 1:8-39. The means to be used in this work are, not emacerating the body, seclusion from society, our own resolutions: but the Holy Spirit is the chief agent, Romans 8:13. while faith, prayer, and dependence are subordinate means to this end. The Evidences of mortification are, not the cessation from one sin, for that may be only exchanged for another; or it may be renounced because it is a gross sin; or there may not be an occasion to practise it; but if sin be mortified, we shall not yield to temptation; our minds will be more spiritual; we shall find more happiness in spiritual services, and bring forth the fruits of the Spirit. Dr. Owen on Mortification and on the Holy Spirit, ch. 8: book 4; Charnock's Works, vol. 2: p. 1313; Bryson's Sermons on Romans 1:8-39: p. 97, &c.