Mythology In its original import, signifies any kind of fabulous doctrine. In its more appropriated sense, it means those fabulous details concerning the objects of worship, which were invented and propagated by men who lived in the early ages of the world, and by them transmitted to succeeding generations, either by written records or by oral tradition.
See articles, HEATHEN, PAGANISM, and Gale's Court of the Gentiles, a work calculated to show that the pagan philosohers derived their most sublime sentiments from the Scriptures. Bryant's System of Ancient Mythology. 1. Notes 2. NAME OF GOD 3. NATIVITY OF CHRIST 4. NATURE 5. NAZARENES 6. NAZARITES 7. NECESSARIANS 8. NECESSITY 9. NECROLOGY 10. NECROMANCY 11. NEONOMIANS 12. NESTORIANS 13. NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH 14. NEW PLATONICS 15. NEW TESTAMENT 16. NICENE CREED 17. NICOLAITANS 18. NOETIANS 19. NONCONFORMISTS 20. NONJURORS 21. NON-RESIDENCE 22. NOVATIANS 23. NOVITIATE 24. NUN