Quintilians A sect that appeared in Phrygia, about 189; thus called from their prophetess Quintilia. In this sect the women were admitted to perform the sacredotal and episcopal functions. They attributed extraordinary gifts to Eve for having first eaten of the tree of knowledge; told great things of Mary, the sister of Moses, as having been a prophetess, &c. The added, that Philip the deacon had four daughters, who were all prophetesses, and were of their sect. In these assemblies it was usual to See the virgins entering in white robes, personating prophetesses. The errors of the Quintilians were at first looked upon as folly and madness; but, as they appeared to gain ground, the council of Laodicea, in 320, condemned it. 1. Notes 2. RANTERS 3. RASHNESS 4. RASH JUDGING 5. READING (public) OF THE SCRIPTURES 6. REALISTS 7. REASON 8. RECLUSE 9. RECONCILIATION 10. RECTITUDE 11. RECTOR 12. RECUSANTS 13. REDEMPTION 14. REFORMATION 15. REFORMED CHURCH 16. REFUGEES 17. REGIUM DONUM MONEY 18. REGENERATION 19. RELICS 20. RELIEF 21. RELIGION 22. RELIGIOUS 23. RELLYANISTS 24. REMEDIAL LAW 25. REMONSTRANTS 26. REMORSE 27. REPENTANCE 28. REPROACH 29. REPROBATION 30. REPROOF 31. RESENTMENT 32. RESIGNATION 33. RESTITUTION 34. RESURRECTION 35. RESURRECTION OF CHRIST 36. RETIREMENT 37. REVELATION 38. REVENGE 39. REVEREND 40. REVERENCE 41. RIGHTEOUSNESS 42. RITE 43. RITUAL 44. ROGEREENS 45. ROMISH CHURCH 46. ROSARY 47. ROSICRUCIANS 48. RUSSIAN CHURCH