Resurrection A rising again from the state of the dead; generally applied to the resurrection of the last day. This doctrine is argued,
1. From the resurrection of Christ, 1 Corinthians 1:15-58:
2. From the doctrines of grace, as union, election, redemption, &c.
3. From Scripture testimonies, Matthew 22:23, &c. Job 19:25; Job 19:27. Isaiah 26:19. Php_2:20 . 1 Corinthians 1:15-58: Song of Solomon 12: 2. 1 Thessalonians 4:14. Revelation 20:13.
4. From the general judgment, which of course requires it. As to the nature of this resurrection, it will be,
1. General. Revelation 20:12; Revelation 20:15. 2 Corinthians 5:10.
2. Of the same body. It is true, indeed, that the body has not always the same particles, which are continually changing, but it has always the same constituent parts, which proves its identity; it is the same body that is born that dies, and the same body that dies that shall rise again; so that Mr. Locke's objection to the idea of the same body is a mere quibble.
3. The resurrection will be at the command of Christ, and by his power, John 1:5-29.
4. Perhaps as to the manner it will be successive; the dead in Christ rising first, 1 Corinthians 15:23. 1 Thessalonians 4:16. This doctrine is of great use and importance. It is one of the first principles of the doctrine of Christ; the whole Gospel stands or falls with it. It serves to enlarge our views of the divine perfections. It encourages our faith and trust in God under all the difficulties of life. It has a tendency to regulate all our affections and moderate out desires after earthly things. It supports the saints under the loss of near relations, and enables them to rejoice in the glorious prospect set before them.
See Hody on the Resurrection; Pearson on the Creed; Lame Street Lect. ser. 10; Watt's Ontology; Young's Last Day; Locke on the Understanding, 50: 2: 100: 27; Warburton's Legation of Moses, vol. 2: p. 553, &c; Bishop Newton's Works, vol. 3: p. 676, 683.