Rosicrucians A name assumed by a sect or cabal of hermetical philosophers, who arose, as it has been said, or at least became first taken notice of in Germany, in the beginning of the fourteenth century. They bound themselves together by a solemn secret, which they all swore inviolably to preserve; and obliged themselves, at their admission into the order, to a strict observance of certain established rules. They pretended to know all sciences, and chiefly medicine; whereof they published themselves the restorers. They pretended to be masters of abundance of important secrets, and among others, that of the philosopher's stone; all which they affirmed to have received by tradition from the ancient Egyptians, Chaldeans, the Magi, the Gymnosophists. They have been distinguished by several names, accommodated to the several branches of their doctrine. Because they pretend to protract the period of human life by means of certain nostrums, and even to restore youth, they were called Immortales; as they pretended to know all things, they have been called Illuminati; and, because they have made no appearance for several years, unless the sect of Illuminati which lately started up on the continent derives its origin from them, they have been called the Invisible Brothers. Their society is frequently signed by the letters F. R. C. which some among them interpret Fratres Roris Cocti; it being pretended that the matter of the philosopher's stone is dew concorted, exhaled, &c.