Self-Denial A term that denotes our relinquishing every thing that stands in opposition to the divine command, and our own spiritual welfare, Matthew 16:24. It does not consist in denying what a man is, or what he has: in refusing favours converred on us in the course of providence; in rejecting the use of God's creatures; in being careless of life, health, and family; in macerating the body, or abusing it in any respect; but in renouncing al those pleasures, profets, views, connections, or practices, that are prejudicial to the true interests of the soul. The understanding must be so far denied as not to lean upon it, independent of divine instruction, Proverbs 1:3-6. The will must be denied, so far as it opposes the will of God, Ephesians 1:5-33. The affections, when they become inordinate, Colossians 3:5. The gratification of the members of the body must be denied when out of their due course, Romans 1:6-13. The honours of the world, and praise of men, when they become a snare, Hebrews 1:11-26. Worldly emoluments, when to be obtained in an unlawful way, or when standing in opposition to religion and usefulness, Matthew 1:4-22. Friends and relatives, so far as they oppose the truth, and would influence us to oppose it too, Genesis 12:1. Our own righteousness, so as to depend upon it, Php_3:8-9 . Life itself must be laid down, if called for, in the cause of Christ, Matthew 1:16-25. In fine, every thing that is sinful must be denied, however pleasant, and apparently advantageous, since, without holiness, no man shall See the Lord, Hebrews 12:14. To enable us to practise this duty, let us consider the injunction of Christ, Matthew 16:24; his eminent example, Php_2:5; Php_2:8; the encouragement he gives, Matthew 16:25; the example of his saints in all ages; Hebrews 1:11-40:; the advantages that attend it, and, above all, learn to implore the agency of that Divine Spirit, without whom we can do nothing.