Theft The taking away the property of another without his knowledge or consent. This is not only a sin against our neighbour, but a direct violation of that part of the decalogue, which says, "Thou shalt not steal." This law requires justice, truth, and faithfulness in all our dealings with men; to owe no man any thing, but to give to all their dues; to be true to all engagements, promises, and contracts; and to be faithful in whatever is committed to our care and trust. It forbids all unjust ways of increasing our own and hurting our neighbour's substance by using false balances and measures; by over-reaching and circumventing in trade and commerce; by taking away by force or fraud the goods, persons, and properties of men; by borrowing and not paying again; by oppression, extortion, and unlawful usury. It may include in it also, what is very seldom called by this name, 1: e. the robbing of ourselves and families, by neglecting our callings, or imprudent management thereof; lending larger sums of money than our circumstances will bear, when there is no prospect of payment; by being profuse and excessive in our expenses; indulging unlawful pleasures, and thereby reducing our families to poverty; or even, on the other hand, by laying up a great deal for the time to come, while our families are left to starve, or reduced to the greatest inconvenience and distress.