Ubiquitarians Formed from ubique, "every where, " in ecclesiastical history, a sect of Lutherans which rose and spread itself in Germany; and whose distinguishing doctrine was, that the body of Jesus Christ is every where, or in every place. Brentius, one of the earliest reformers, is said to have first broached this error in 1560. Luther himself, in his controversy with Zuinglius, had thrown out some unguarded expression that seemed to imply a belief of the omnipresence of the body of Christ; but he became sense afterwards that this opinion was attended with great difficulties, and particularly that it ought not to be made use of as a proof of Christ's corporeal presence in the eucharist. However, after the death of Luther, this absurd hypothesis was renewed, and dressed up in a specious and plausible form by Brentius, Chemnitius, and Andraeas, who maintained the communication of the properties of Christ's divinity to his human nature. It is, indeed, obvious, that every Lutheran who believes the doctrine of consubstantiation, whatever he may pretend, must be an Ubiquitarian.