Usury The gain taken for the loan of money or wares. The Jews were allowed to lend money upon usury to strangers, Deuteronomy 23:20; but were prohibited to take usury from their brethren of Israel, at least, if they were poor, Exodus 22:25. Leviticus 25:35; Leviticus 25:37. From the Scriptures speaking against the practice of usury, some have thought it unlawful, Psalms 15:5. Proverbs 28:8. Ezekiel 18:8. but it is replied, that usury there only means immoderate interest, or oppression, by taking advantage of the indigent circumstances of our neighbour; and that it seems as lawful for a man to receive interest for money, which another takes pain with, improves, and ruins the hazard of in trade, as it is to receive rent for our land which another takes pain with, improves, but runs the hazard of in husbandry.