Virtue A term used in various significations. Some define it to be "living according to nature;" others, "universal benevolence to being." Some, again, place it "in regard to truth;" others in "the moral sense." Some place it in "the imitation of God;" others, "in the love of God and our fellow-creatures." Some, again, think it consists "in mediocrity, " supposing vice to consist in extremes; others have placed it in "a wise regard to our own interest." Dr. Smith refers it to the principle of sympathy; and Paley defines it to be the doing good to mankind, in obedience to the will of God, and for the sake of everlasting happiness. Some of these definitions are certainly objectionable. Perhaps those who place it in the love of God and our fellow-creatures, may come as near to the truth, as any.
See Edwards and Jameson on Virtue; Grove's and Paley's Moral Phil. Cumberland's Law of Nature, cap. 1. & 4; Beattie's Elements of Moral Science, vol. 2: p. 8, 77; Dr. Watts' Self-Love and Virtue Reconciled, 2d vol. of his work, last edition.